Genius Disconnector Chrome Extension
Genius Disconnector Chrome Extension
Increase Your Facebook Engagement and Post Visibility
Delete Inactive and Unengaged Friends from Facebook
Want it? Buy it.
Not Sure? Watch the Video.
Don't want it? No worries.
This is an early bird special while we work a few minor bugs out. There's a coupon code for customers who are paying me directly for any other extensions, otherwise, this is the best deal I have at this time. If you are an existing customer, and didn't get your coupon code, message or email me.
You will go to a page offering reseller accounts, then to a page with install instructions.
You will also get an email with onboarding instructions (check spam).
NOTE: There are no refunds. If you aren't sure it's for you, don't buy it.
You may cancel any time by sending me an email.